Do You Love a Muddy Workout?

Military style workouts, challenging assault courses and fun runs are so popular right now. A gruelling workout or run on a muddy field or common can be exhilarating and is great for improving fitness levels and mental wellbeing.
One consequence of these activities is that on wet days you can end up absolutely covered in mud, that is often dried onto your skin by the time you get home.
Ideal products for the task of gently cleaning and exfoliating your skin back to its natural splendour are our LoofCo Body Loofah or Bath-Time loofah. Simply soak the loofah in warm water first, so that it becomes soft to the touch and use with soap or shower gel to create a lather. Then gently massage your skin with the loofah to remove the mud and grime. Enjoy the rest of your bath or shower, ease those aching muscles and enjoy the relaxation… you deserve it.
Your loofah will last for months if you make sure you to rinse it clean and hang it up to dry.
- Lois Clark